Is Paypal Safe For Coaches?
You finally sell that $10,000 premium coaching package and proceed to deliver the life changing results that are your signature. Your client raves, thanks you up and down, and months go by uneventfully. Suddenly, PayPal sends you the dreaded email: the customer has opened a dispute and wants her money back. PayPal takes the money…
Read MoreWhen Do I Register My Business As An LLC or Corporation?
If you have spent any time in Facebook groups lately, you have definitely run across a well-meaning soul (maybe even a lawyer) who proclaims that you are not truly invested in your business- and *totally* at risk- if you did not register on Day 1. DISLIKE! Hang on to that $500 or so you would…
Read MoreWill I Lose My Job If My Employer Finds Out About My Side Hustle?
Flashback: It’s 2014, and I *hate* my day job. All I can do is think about how my side business is going to change all of that- no more crazy bosses, incessant interruptions, and work I don’t care about. It was a real struggle not to sneak in a few hours of side business work during…
Read MoreWhat Records To Keep And Which To Toss
I’ve been there! You get the mail, see a handful of things you absolutely must do and a few that you want to do, and you set it aside with the best intentions of coming back to it *soon.* Soon never comes, and before you know it, you have paper everywhere! This post will help…
Read MoreBare Minimum Estate Planning
If you’re thinking that estate planning sounds like something for old people, you might be partially right! But really, business owners and families with kids stand to gain the most from a simple estate plan- because the right plan helps during life, too. Here’s the quick rundown of what an estate plan does: – Ensures your…
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